KPAC24 Thematic Session hosted by PAX for Peace.
November 20, 2024 10:30-12:00
Session Language: French (English translation TBD)
Session Description:
The session centers on the theme of “connecting realities” to explore how the EU can better integrate civil society perspectives into the implementation of its Human Rights Due Diligence Policy (EU HRDDP). Although this policy came into effect last year and underscores the need to better integrate CSO perspectives into security support policy in third non-EU countries, substantial work remains in composing the actual implementation guidelines.
Through a rapid interactive workshop, this session aims to harness the experience and knowledge of participants to develop innovative and practical means to closing the information loop between civil society and the various EU tools essential to the implementation of this policy.
The underlining assumption being that the multitude of perspectives present in the room from different sectors and countries will provide a rich, intersectional analysis of how the EU HRDDP relates to their own realities from the various sub-themes of KPAC24.
Charles Elkins, Senior Policy Officer for the Sahel - PAX
Roger Minoungou, Project Lead for the Sahel - PAX