Welcome to KPAC
19-21 November 2024
Dakar, Senegal
Our theme for KPAC24:
Building Trust, Pacifying Power, Connecting Realities
The Knowledge Platform Security and Rule of Law's (KPSRL) Annual Conference is the Platform's flagship event. In the past, Annual Conferences have brought together several hundred practitioners, policymakers, and researchers to exchange on emerging challenges and approaches in the field of security and rule of law in fragile and conflict affected settings. The Conference was for a long time held in The Hague, The Netherlands, but in 2023, driven by the intention to host it closer to realities of fragile and conflict affected settings, it was organised in Nairobi, followed by uptake conversations in The Hague.
The 2024 Knowledge Platform Annual Conference (KPAC24) will take place in Dakar, Senegal, in November 2024, and we are happy to co-host with the Gorée Institute and REPAOC.